Via Fenilrami, 15
46019 Cizzolo fraz. di Viadana (MN) - Italy
Phone: +39 0375 87141 - Fax : +39 0375 87046
E-mail: info@abrax.it - web: www.abrax.it
Sales Office: sales@abrax.it
Italy Date & Time
Ultra Fine
Name | S/UF600S/UF1000S/UF1200S/UFHPLS/UF-FX |
Type | SC ultra fine |
Colour | Light Grey |
Mineral Type | Silicon Carbide |
Grit | from 500 to 600from 900 to 1000from 1100 to 1200from 500 to 600from 500 to 600 |
Available format | Rolls, Shop Rolls, Hand Pads |
Rolls sizes | mt. 1,5 x mt. 40 (+-10%) |
Shop Rolls sizes | on request |
Hand Pads sizes | on request |